The Truth About Food (Part 2) : Are Singaporeans Getting Fatter?
Did you know that 4 out of 10 adults in Singapore aged between 18 and 69 were overweight in 2010? These alarming figures show that many Singaporeans are at risk of developing obesity-related health problems.
However, it’s not just poor diet that is contributing to this obesity epidemic. Lack of exercise is also a major problem and our panelists say that some parents are to blame for being poor role models. They believe parents should encourage their kids to be healthier by adopting a healthy lifestyle themselves. This, they argue, will encouraging children to exercise and eat better.
Few people understand that there are different types of fats and some fats are more dangerous than others. Community physician, Dr Rahul believes that the Asians should be measured by a different standard because many Asian people have what is called visceral fat, which is stored around the integral organs. This type of fat is usually higher in Asians compared to Caucasians and can cause a multitude of problems
To find out more about fats and food, tune into Part 2 of our fascinating debate on The Truth About Food.
Host: Kenneth Liang
Speakers : Kalpana Bhaskaran, Dr Rahul Malhotra, Ivy Singh, Derrick Ong, Professor Jeyakumar Henry, Dina Abdullah Enriquez, Simon Fenley, Kayashino Zanz
Copyright: Happy-TV Media Pte Ltd
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