The Truth About Food (Part 1) : Introduction

Avatar Happy TV | August 15, 2014 10 Views 0 Likes Ratings

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The national campaign to get people into better shape through healthy food and exercise was started by former PM Goh Chok Tong back in 1992 and it’s been ongoing ever since. But are we in better shape?  If the statistics are to be believed then the message isn’t getting through.  The latest statistics from the National Health Survey shows that obesity may be about to overtake smoking as the major cause of preventable diseases.  So has the government’s healthy eating  campaign fallen on deaf ears? How aware are people of the need to ‘eat better’ and what do we mean by healthy eating? Tonight we will explore some of these issues, including the longer term impact of unhealthy eating in Singapore,  public awareness  concerning the use of potentially harmful additives used by food producers, as well as  the relative value of organic and GM foods.

Host: Kenneth Liang
Speakers : Kalpana Bhaskaran, Dr Rahul Malhotra, Ivy Singh, Derrick Ong, Professor Jeyakumar Henry, Dina Abdullah Enriquez, Simon Fenley, Kayashino Zanz

Copyright: Happy-TV Media Pte Ltd



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