Jill’s Vlog
“Life never stands still with Jill”. At rapid spitfire pace she raves and rants but in such sweet splendour that you cannot but help yourself from loving her! DJ Jill – faster that speedy Gonzales, racing away on Happy-TV.
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“Life never stands still with Jill”. At rapid spitfire pace she raves and rants but in such sweet splendour that you cannot but help yourself from loving her! DJ Jill – faster that speedy Gonzales, racing away on Happy-TV.
Happy TV | January 14, 2015
Happy TV | January 23, 2015
Happy TV | January 28, 2015
Happy TV | February 5, 2015
Happy TV | February 11, 2015
Happy TV | February 25, 2015
Happy TV | March 15, 2015
Happy TV | April 8, 2015
Happy TV | April 16, 2015
Happy TV | May 28, 2015
Happy TV | June 5, 2015
Happy TV | June 11, 2015
Happy TV | June 24, 2015
Happy TV | July 7, 2015